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tempo libero
E' semplice....amo gli animali, mi piacciono i cani e dal mese di agosto 2015 avrò il pomeriggio libero. Poi trovo sciocco dover scrivere 40...
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Hi, my name is Layla, I'm a 19 year old animal lover that just finished High School. I would love to take care of animals (any type actuall...
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Fresh stay for your pet :)
I am a 22 year old student. For now I'm working as a stagaire only two days per week so I have all the time to take care of a pet. I lov...
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Dein Dog-/Catsitter mit Herz
Ich arbeite 50 % von Montag bis Freitag. Hunde und Katzen sind meine Lieblingstiere. Meine 5 Katzen musste ich leider wegen Wegzug verschenk...
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