Über mich Francois Xavier C.
I don't live with any dogs at home actually due to the fact that I consider a dog need space (as a garden) where he will be able to run, lay on the grass, chew his favorite toy, … In a flat, a dog will not express his "unhappiness" but I consider that it will be not so convenient for him to live all the time. When I lived in Santiago (Chile), I had a big home (147 square meter) in the near suburb of city center. My 3 little dogs where well educated ! They were not running every where. That's why they were appreciated by my guests at home. I had 2 big gardens. One in front of the house, one in the back. Dogs where having the choice to sleep where the wanted. And everything was quiet and safe !!!
I don't live with any dogs at home actually due to the fact that I consider a dog need space (as a garden) where he will be able to run, lay on the grass, chew his favorite toy, … In a flat, a dog will not express his "unhappiness" but I consider that it will be not so convenient for him to live all the time. When I lived in Santiago (Chile), I had a big home (147 square meter) in the near suburb of city center. My 3 little dogs where well educated ! They were not running every where. That's why they were appreciated by my guests at home. I had 2 big gardens. One in front of the house, one in the back. Dogs where having the choice to sleep where the wanted. And everything was quiet and safe !!!