hundesitter ge francois xavier  53f934d4-65dc-460d-bb88-d3d06b66fd40
Francois Xavier C.
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Alter 63
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Wohnsituation Wohnung
Garten Kein Garten
Verfügbarkeit tagsüber Den größten Teil des Tages
Tiere Nein
Kinder 1
Raucher Nein
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Ich habe

Über mich Francois Xavier C.

I don't live with any dogs at home actually due to the fact that I consider a dog need space (as a garden) where he will be able to run, lay on the grass, chew his favorite toy, … In a flat, a dog will not express his "unhappiness" but I consider that it will be not so convenient for him to live all the time. When I lived in Santiago (Chile), I had a big home (147 square meter) in the near suburb of city center. My 3 little dogs where well educated ! They were not running every where. That's why they were appreciated by my guests at home. I had 2 big gardens. One in front of the house, one in the back. Dogs where having the choice to sleep where the wanted. And everything was quiet and safe !!!

I don't live with any dogs at home actually due to the fact that I consider a dog need space (as a garden) where he will be able to run, lay on the grass, chew his favorite toy, … In a flat, a dog will not express his "unhappiness" but I consider that it will be not so convenient for him to live all the time. When I lived in Santiago (Chile), I had a big home (147 square meter) in the near suburb of city center. My 3 little dogs where well educated ! They were not running every where. That's why they were appreciated by my guests at home. I had 2 big gardens. One in front of the house, one in the back. Dogs where having the choice to sleep where the wanted. And everything was quiet and safe !!!

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Francois Xavier ist verfügbar für:

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Ich bin verfügbar für
Betreuung beim Tiersitter
Betreuung beim Kunden
Besuche beim Kunden
Tiere, die ich bei mir zu Hause betreuen kann
Tiere, die ich beim Kunden zu Hause betreuen kann
Tiere, die ich besuchen kann
Wohnsitz und Anwesen
Größe 88 m²
Meine Preise:
Für 1 Hund Für 1 Katze Preis pro Katzenbesuch
CHF 18 pro Tag CHF 13 pro Tag CHF 13
Für andere Tiere Für 1 Hund und 1 Katze Für 3 oder mehr Tiere
CHF 8 pro Tag CHF 23 pro Tag CHF 28 pro Tag
Nicht verfügbar Verfügbar